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Join us for a technical discussion of “Microtubule polarity flaws as a treatable driver of neurodegeneration” by Dr. Peter Baas. The Baas laboratory at Drexel University researches the underlying mechanisms of neurodegeneration and dysfunction of the nervous system, resulting from degenerative diseases, developmental disorders and injury, with the goal of developing therapies for prevention, treatment and repair. Rather than focusing on just one type of disease, disorder or injury, they focus on a common downstream target that goes awry across almost all of them.
While the Baas lab does not focus directly on DYNC1H1 encoded dynein, their focus is instead on the cytoskeleton that the dynein uses as its highway. Patients who have gene variants in the microtubule binding domain of DYNC1H1 tend to have significant cognitive and physical impairments. By focusing on the interaction between microtubules and dynein, there is hope that treatments can be discovered that are able to be universally applied, not just for those variants but for many motor protein driven diseases.
For more information, visit the Baas Lab website here: Peter Baas Laboratory at Drexel University